The energy transition is leading to a decentralized energy supply. This transformation of the energy market has brought the topic of energy independence closer to the people. Instead of large fossil-fired generation plants, highly individual, local solutions are now being used. We provide advice and services that are independent from manufacturer and technology. HÖRMANN ENEX Engineering has specialists in all areas of energy, from geothermal energy to hydrogen, biomass and waste-to-energy plants to large heat pumps. A high degree of flexibility is required in order to meet future challenges with different generators and new energy storage options.



Energy supply from sustainable sources

Enex Power Graphic Energy generation

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy has long been underestimated in the heat supply sector. Its potential for providing heat in selected regions is enormous and can make a significant contribution to the heat transition and decarbonization. Geothermal energy is reliable, renewable and sustainable. In contrast to other renewable energies, local geothermal energy is available 24/7, independent of wind and sun and is not subjected to competition or fluctuations in market prices once it has been tapped. Dr. Hartwig Schröder, Head of HÖRMANN ENEX Engineering, has been a recognized geothermal expert for more than 20 years and has been involved in almost all geothermal power and heat projects in Germany. He also has experience from international projects in Turkey and Italy, among others.


HÖRMANN ENEX Engineering plans and advises on geothermal power plant technology:

  • Supporting the determination of CAPEX and OPEX to create a profitability model
  • Creating reference costs to check the plausibility of current cost estimates
  • Creation of heating concepts
  • Creating project concepts with regard to cost optimization
  • Creating system concepts
  • Conducting the system planning
  • Conducting the overall planning of the above-ground facility
  • Planning of conversions

Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen will become an essential pillar of the energy transition - with many advantages. Unlike many other renewable energy sources, hydrogen has a high energy density, can be used flexibly and can be transported and stored. With green hydrogen, a CO2-free energy source is available. Due to its flexibility, the potential is enormous, especially for power industry and transportation industry.


Conceptual planning in hydrogen technology

  • Identification of hydrogen sources and sinks in the supply area
  • Identification of hydrogen applications and uses
  • Analysis of hydrogen demand in the supply area
  • Market analysis / presentation of the leading technologies for hydrogen transportation
  • Study of variants for tank and unloading systems
  • Development of layout concepts
  • Determination of site requirements
  • Development of approval concepts
HÖRMANN ENEX Power Biomass Division

Biomass/Residual Heat Energy

Biomass and residual/waste heat are among the renewable energy sources and play an important role in the energy mix of cities, municipalities and municipal utilities. Due to the elimination of fossil fuels such as coal and ultimately gas, energy supply companies and municipal utilities are having to convert their generation. We are experienced in converting biomass power plants to combined electricity and heat generation. In this way, biomass and residual fuel power plants can make a significant contribution to the provision of renewable heat in cities and municipalities and compensate for a lack of energy in the grid.

Industrial heat pump

Large-scale heat pumps play a key role in the energy transition and offer huge potential for CO2 savings. Their great advantage is their high flexibility and the numerous possible combinations for providing heat and steam with different process parameters. Depending on the type, different processes are used. Heat sources include industrial waste heat, waste heat from sewage treatment plants, river water, groundwater and medium-depth geothermal energy or the combination with a geothermal heating plant. Heat pumps are a versatile solution for industry.


ENEX POWER plans and advises on heat pump technology:

  • Identification of heat sources and sinks
  • Analysis of existing networks and generation
  • Analysis of the heat demand
  • Creation of redundancy concepts
  • Creation of overview flow diagrams
  • Design of the main components
  • Overall system planning
  • Integration into existing systems
  • Construction supervision and acceptance
HÖRMANN ENEX Power Undustrial heat pumps Division